Key Features
- Cast iron construction for good heat radiation.
- Infinite air intake control to adjust heat.
- Positive front door lock for security.
- Slim body with small footprint.
- Will burn most solid fuels (not charcoal).
- Stainless steel installation fittings available.
- Safe and secure.

Stainless Steel Flue System
This range of acid resistant stainless steel pipes and fittings are ideal for installing the Hot Pot stove. All parts push fit together and are compatible for a 70mm installation.

Flu Pipe
Available in four lengths
3130/SS/0200 Length 200mm
3130/SS/0330 Length 330mm
3130/SS/0500 Length 500mm
3130/SS/1000 Length 1 metre

Available in two angles.

Deck Flange
Available straight or with a choice of three angles to suit the deck camber. All deck flanges have a 160mm overall diameter.

Flu Hood
Compact round shape which is rain proof whilst producing a good draft. Fits securely on to the deck flange.
Height: 240mm (91⁄2”)
Top Diameter: 130mm (5”)

Flu Guard
Stainless steel guard to minimise the risk of contact burns but still allowing heat to radiate from the flue. Also available in brass or copper.
3134/SS/0500 Length 500mm
3134/SS/1000 Length 1 metre

Flu Cap
To cap flue when hood is removed.