In February 1885 Arthur Christopher Davey began a venture that throughout the 20th century evolved into a culture in the manufacture and supply of marine equipment.
From humble beginnings in Leadenhall Street, the company soon moved to its famous address at 88, West India Dock Road, London E 14, where it successfully traded for over 100 years. As one of the UK’s oldest marine companies, it is fitting that we are now based in Britain’s oldest recorded town of Colchester
Throughout our long history we have endeavoured to give good service with quality, and as yesterdays courtesies become today’s traditions, we continue to serve the industry with due care and deference. This philosophy is underpinned by our position as an MOD supplier since our inception.

Today, Davey has never been busier, since coming under the ownership of John Buckley, who also owns Harbour Marine Services. Our latest premises is a large industrial building on the outskirts of Colchester. There’s a feel of industry about the place, from the ringing phones in the office to workshop floor. The Engineering department make and assemble items from our history, using modern techniques, yet preserving the patterns and craftsmanship of the past.
Some of our artefacts go all the way back to Davey & Co’s beginnings in 1885. They are archived in wooden chests ,old oil navigation lamps ,cleats, boathooks, shackles, mast hoops, rowlocks, fairleads, and lots of old chandlery dating all the way back to the late 19th century. There is even a set of old printing blocks, hand-engraved with beautiful images of wooden blocks and everything else that used to appear in the well-known Davey catalogue.
The old company books are amazing, the script is like something from a bygone age. We have the original illuminated shop sign from when the shop was based in West India Dock, London.
Our range was expanded with a partnership with another old British metal-working firm: Brookes & Adams Yacht Fittings. Davey and Co are sand-casters and Brookes & Adams’ process is forge-stamping. This collaboration has made significant changes to lead times and meeting Industry standards as well as preserving the past.